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With just two weeks before the release of Destiny 2: The Witch Queen, the game’s most anticipated expansion since Forsaken in 2018. A 13-minute video describing The Witch Queen’s new campaign and the reworked Void 3.0 subclasses was released by Bungie on Tuesday, marking what is expected to be the last peek of the expansion. Weapon crafting, Origin bonuses, and general customisation will be the main attractions in Destiny 2’s next addition, according to the game’s official website.
During a Bungie-hosted preview session, we were shown a crafting session and given a guided, hands-off tour of the second quest of The Witch Queen, among other things. We also chatted with Joe Blackburn, the game director for Destiny 2, and Blake Battle, the project’s project manager.
After guiding my preview party through a campaign task in Savathun’s Throneworld, Blackburn and the rest of the Bungie team transported us to the planet Mars. Unlike the open-world Mars of Destiny or Destiny 2, this was a closed-off environment. instead of a large landing zone, there was a tiny social area with NPC Guardians, an It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia-style puzzle board, and a secret.
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The Relic is located only a few steps away from the Enclave and will be a spot where I and my Destiny Fireteam teammates will be spending a lot of time over the coming several years. When the Relic is activated, it transforms into a type of “science fiction 3D printer,” allowing Guardians to create and personalize weapons in a manner they have never been able to do before.
When you first open the menu, the UI seems to be rather sleek. Alternatively, players may opt to “shape” weapons to create new ones or “reshape” weapons to change the benefits of something they’ve already created. Beginning with just a few perks and “pattern” blueprints, as well as certain tweaks such as frames, players’ crafting options are severely restricted. By participating in Destiny 2, they will be able to broaden their horizons.
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Weapon creation in Destiny 2 isn’t only about creating something that will be strong for a short period of time; it’s also about making an investment in something that will be important two expansions down the road. Guardians will level up their customized weapons as they use them, in a manner similar to how weapon investment worked in the previous Destiny game. As players progress through the game’s levels, they’ll be able to further personalize their weapons by changing their stats and abilities. By level 20, they’ll have unlocked all of the available choices for the weapon — including upgraded versions of fan-favorite bonuses, which will offer manufactured weapons a modest advantage — and they’ll be able to continue upgrading their weapon indefinitely for bragging rights.
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In Destiny, it’s a system that isn’t hindered by weekly restrictions, and it deals with a tricky issue: the sunsetting of characters. During the development of Beyond Light, Bungie included the sunsetting mechanic, which rendered several weapons outdated and rendered them unable to compete with newer weaponry. While players want compelling reasons to purchase new content each season — or else the game loses its meaning – eliminating Guardians’ hard-earned toys was too severe, and Bungie scrapped the concept in less than six months after determining it was unworkable. Bungie, on the other hand, is giving sunsetting on the terms of the players via weapon building and the new Origin bonuses.
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“I’m not very good at golf,” Blackburn admitted to me. “However, my father is a golfer, and so I make an effort to go golfing on a regular basis so that I can compete with him. […] Over time, golf clubs continue to improve in quality and performance, correct? As a result, I believe we want people to get the impression that “Hey, the new thing that’s coming out is interesting.” Nonetheless, I believe that one of the lessons we’ve learned from our history is that we don’t necessarily want new goods to seem mandatory. […] I mean, I’ve got some extremely ancient golf clubs that are still in good working order, and I still use them sometimes, and I occasionally hit better strokes than other people.”
Unlike the previous sunsetting system, all of the player’s existing weapons will still be usable in The Witch Queen and beyond; they will merely be significantly less effective than they were before. However, players who wish to stick with their old dependable weapons will retain their current level of strength; however, they will be unable to take advantage of the Origin perks and the seasonal bonuses available.
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In Blackburn’s words, origins are set benefits on what he referred to as a “family,” and they’ll start falling on every new weapon in The Witch Queen when it launches. In addition to the new Cabal-themed weapons, the new season 16 weapons will all come with a new Origin perk called Land Tank, which provides enhanced damage resistance after a certain number of kills. Land Tank is the only weapon in the “family” of constructed season 16 weapons that cannot be customized since it is attached to the gun’s blueprint, which means it will not be available for customization.
Adding a third perk to every rifle would undoubtedly pique players’ interest in trying out new weapons, but it will fall short of addressing the core issue that motivated Bungie to implement the sunsetting system in the first place: power creep. The development of more and better things causes Bungie to get trapped in a loop of continuously rising player strength, which becomes unmanageable in the long run. The reason for this is because the Origin perks will take advantage of the seasonal Artifact to change the weapon meta on a season to season basis.
“One of the things I like about the Origin perk method is that it assigns weapons to a variety of categories,” Blackburn added. You know they fall into the categories because they have that small enticement attached to them…” And then, using things that reset seasonally, such as the Artifact, we can push those weapons up into different power bands, where it might say, “hey, you know, season 16, we love void stuff, we love [Cabal]-themed weapons, we love psycho hack weapons,” and so there can be some specific perks that [we] juice that up in a way that makes the meta really different.”
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As an illustration, Blackburn likened the benefits of Origin to the Warmind Cells from Season of the Worthy. During that season, Ikelos weapons (when used in conjunction with an armor mod) were capable of generating exploding orbs that dealt significant damage. Bungie designed the system with the intention of retiring it, but they ended up staying on when the company changed its direction. Instead of allowing Warmind Cells to continue to function as very powerful explosives, Bungie nerfed them to prevent Destiny 2 from becoming a game about “shooting orange orbs that come out of stuff” in perpetuity.
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If the Origin benefits had been in place during Season of the Worthy, the outcome of the system would have been different. All Ikelos family weapons would’ve came with a Warmind Cell perk, which would’ve enabled the guns to emit explosions on kills in the same way they do now. Bungie, on the other hand, would include unique armor modifications in the seasonal Artifact, boosting the power of the Warmind Cell perk for the following three months or so. The Cells would still be usable when the season ended, but they wouldn’t be nearly as potent as they had been before – at least, not until the modifications returned in another season.
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But Origin perks come on all new weapons, so crafting won’t entirely replace random rolls in The Witch Queen; there will still be weapons that players can’t craft, even beyond quest-based Exotics.
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‘We’ll have certain items that can’t be built at all, such as the Ritual weapon, and we’ll have other things that you probably [think] “I wouldn’t expect to be constructed” but can be,” stated Blackburn. “However, we’re also quite enthusiastic about the idea that, well, maybe there’s a roll that can only be obtained from random drops as opposed to what can be obtained through crafting.’ […] You don’t always go after drips because they contain fuel; sometimes you go after drops because they contain something exceptional.”
Bungie hopes that with Destiny 2: The Witch Queen, they will be able to radically alter the way in which players invest in the game. Instead than focusing just on achieving the ideal roll, players may form a bond with a particular weapon via repetition. It is not, however, the goal of Blackburn and Bungie to demolish what has come before or to render it outdated, but rather to provide players with new possibilities to build for themselves.
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