Season of the Haunted Boost


Sister of Shapes, Sword-Breaker, Witch Queen – which of my many names lives on your lips as you weave your story around me? Even as you tread carefully through my courtyard, among those who worship the Light I have gifted, would you deny me the virtue of this power?
Your answers are telling, Guardian. Ponder them and question those who promise you clarity in the face of all you see here. Listen as their voice wavers. And as you lift your new steel from the heart of your forge, ask yourself, “What force wields you?”
I await you, Guardian. Step into my Throne World and behold the truth.

Definitive New Campaign
Experiences and mechanics previously reserved for Exotic missions and dungeons now stand at the forefront of the story.

Legendary Difficulty
For Guardians seeking the ultimate reward and who know that to become legend, one must face legendary challenges.

Free Story Introduction
Begin your journey into a sprawling mystery, come face to face with the Lucent Hive, and craft a Glaive of your own design.


Savathûn has gifted her soldiers with the powers of the Light. As the Knight you’ve struck down rises from the dead for the second time, a feeling of betrayal washes over you and you can’t help but wonder: When the Light offers no shelter – no solace – where will you turn?


Trustworthy but flawed, your weapon hangs by your side as a memory begins to take shape in your mind. The silence in the Enclave gives way to whispers that fill your ears with the promise of power. Take your place at the Relic and craft an arsenal of your own design.

A Journey of Power
The road before you is adorned with Exotic and Legendary rewards. Travel it bravely and when the time comes, Savathûn will learn that Light alone does not define a Guardian’s true strength.


Craft Your Perfect Roll
Master the new crafting system and create custom weaponry with unique combinations of mods, shaders, and advanced stat pools. When fighting a god, leave nothing on the table.

The Relic and the Glaive
A new weapon archetype begins its journey at the Relic. Once honed to perfection, wield your Glaive to perform powerful melee combos, fire projectiles, and deploy a powerful energy shield.



Atwisted wonderland of corruption and splendor, Savathûn’s Throne World plays host to a fragile balance of terrifying power. From the foundation of her glistening palace to the gnarled roots in the swamp, all that she hides can be found here. Seek the truth and learn that in this place, mystery makes its home in both the Darkness and the Light.

Solve the Mystery

Asprawling web of evidence lies before you. Shadows nip at your heels as you retreat into the Light, only to find the enemy waiting, bolstered by a power it does not deserve. Face the Witch Queen’s Lucent Brood and solve the riddle at the heart of her deceit.

A new six-player matchmade activity at the heart of the ongoing struggle for the Throne World. The balance must be maintained.

Vow of the Disciple
Among the swamps of Savathûn’s Throne World lies a sunken Pyramid. Alongside your fireteam, venture inward and confront the ancient danger imprisoned within…

Choose your Edition


Destiny 2: The Witch Queen
Deluxe Edition 30th Anniv. Bundle

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