- Xur has returned with new exotic and legendary gear in Destiny 2 and can be found on Nessus this weekend.
- Exotic gear includes Felwinter’s Helm for Warlocks, St0mp-EE5 for Hunters, and Wormgod Caress for Titans.
- In addition to a new set of legendary weapons and armor, players can pick up the exoitc Grenade Launcher called The Colony this weekend as well.
Xur has returned again to Destiny 2, complete with new exotic and legendary gear for players to check out for a limited time. As Season of the Witch rapidly approaches its end, Bungie has continued to be fairly open about the feature and gameplay changes coming later this month with Season 23. Also known as Season of the Wish, Bungie’s latest weekly blog post revealed even more upcoming details including a returning Destiny exotic weapon, as well as the launch time for the next Dungeon experience.
Alongside that, Bungie also revealed how Season 23 will be making Master and Legend Lost Sectors more rewarding for solo players. Utilizing the upcoming changes to the Gunsmith, solo players can earn additional Gunsmith engrams to use with the weapon focusing available there. Master players get an added bonus of a rotating set of Foundry weapons, some of which may drop with an extra perk inside the third or fourth column.
For now though, Xur is back again with a whole selection of exotics and legendaries for Destiny 2 players over the next few days. Follow this guide for his most current weekend location, news on his exotic cipher quest, as well as a review of all the exotic and legendary gear he’s brought for the weekend of November 17, 2023.
Where is Xur?
This weekend, players should head to Watcher’s Grave on Nessus to find the merchant up the massive tree towards the back of the zone.
From the Director, head to Nessus and load into Watcher’s Grave. Run towards the back of the zone where a massive tree is found. Jump up until players find the huge branch where the merchant is hanging out.
Class Armor and Exotic Cipher
Xur’s role continues to offer the usual weekly quests, exotics, and legendary gear. Not only are these quests required to purchase a second fated engram, but they’re necessary to acquire legacy exotic gear from the Tower kiosk. Players can earn a new cipher by completing strikes and winning crucible or gambit matches. Gain bonus points for playing with clan mates or finishing more challenging activities.
Xur continues to sell even more gear outside his usual content. In addition to his normal exotic gear, Xur now has Legendary Weapons and Armor for sale in exchange for Legendary Shards and Glimmer.
Exotic Armor
Felwinter’s Helm – Warlock Helmet
Exotic Perk:
Warlord’s End – Powered melee final blows create a burst of energy that weakens nearby targets. Finishers and final blows against more powerful targets increase the radius of the burst and the length of the weakening effect.
Technically, the lowest stat roll this week belongs to the Warlock helmet known as Felwinter’s Helm. Regardless of the roll, Felwinter’s remains a solid exotic, though it’s not likely going to replace the traditional go to items.
Stat Values (64 Total):
- Mobility +2
- Resilience +12
- Recovery +18
- Discipline +10
- Intellect +20
- Strength +4
St0mp-EE5 – Hunter leg armor
Exotic Perk:
Hydraulic Boosters – Increases sprint speed and slide distance while your dodge energy is full. Improves High Jump, Strafe Jump, and Triple Jump.
More of a platforming and movement exotic, the “Stompees” aren’t going to be replacing any of the best combat-focused Hunter exotics anytime soon. However, for players who want more control and maneuverability with some of the game’s platforming-based activities, these are absolutely worth a pickup.
Stat Values (65 Total):
- Mobility +4
- Resilience +18
- Recovery +12
- Discipline +18
- Intellect +6
- Strength +7
Wormgod Caress – Titan gauntlets
Exotic Perk:
Burning Fists – Melee kills increase melee damage for a period of time. Additional kills extend duration and increase effects.
Just on sale very recently, not much has changed in terms of these gauntlets. The stats this week feature an extremely high Recovery roll so they may be worth picking up just for that alone.
Stat Values (65 total):
- Mobility +2
- Resilience +3
- Recovery +29
- Discipline +18
- Intellect +6
- Strength +7
Exotic Weapon
For those who enjoy shooting strange objects out of weapons, like the Witch Queen’s Parasite exotic grenade launcher, then they’ll want to check out The Colony. Insectoid Robot Grenades is its intrinsic perk which causes the weapon to fire grenades that are actually spider robots. Once fired, these devices chase enemy targets (even up/around walls) and explode at close range. As if that isn’t enough, when holstered, the gun refills its magazine as well.
For now, this weapon remains a solid pick for PvP players thanks to its homing rounds so The Colony remains an easy recommendation for those who don’t yet have it.
Weapon perks:
- Linear Compensator
- High Velocity Rounds
- Composite Stock
Hawkmoon Rolls
At this point, Xur is only selling Hawkmoon with randomized rolls, but its time is limited once Harbinger is ultimately added to the Exotic Mission Rotator and makes the hand cannon craftable. Either way, here is the roll Xur has this weekend:
Hawkmoon Rolls:
- Fluted Barrel
- Alloy Magazine
- Surplus
- Polymer Grip
Here’s the complete rundown of Xur’s exotic stock in Destiny 2 for November 17, 2023:
- Felwinter’s Helm (Warlock helmet) – 23 Legendary Shards
- St0mp-EE5 (Hunter leg armor) – 23 Legendary Shards
- Wormgod Caress (Titan gauntlets) – 23 Legendary Shards
- The Colony (Grenade Launcher) – 29 Legendary Shards
- Hawkmoon (Hand Cannon) – 125,000 Glimmer, 200 Legendary Shards, 1 Exotic Cipher, 1 Ascendant Shard
- Exotic Engram – 97 Legendary Shards/1 Exotic Cipher
- A Question – Exotic Cipher Quest
Legendary Gear
Xur’s Set of Legendary Armor and Weapons. All gear costs 50 Legendary Shards and 1000 Glimmer.
- False Promises (Kinetic Auto Rifle)
- Chrysura Melo (Energy Auto Rifle)
- Timelines’ Vertex (Energy Sniper Riflee)
- Path of Least Resistance (Energy Trace Rifle)
- IKELOS SMG v1.0.3 (Energy Submachine Gun)
- Berenger’s Memory (Heavy Grenade Launcher)
- Seventh Seraph SAW (Heavy Machine Gun)
- Gensym Knight Armor Set

Destiny 2
Bungie’s Destiny 2 is an online FPS that blends single-player and multiplayer content. Constantly evolving, the shooter has established a strong following since its 2017 debut.
- Platform(s)
- PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PC, Stadia
- Released
- August 28, 2017
- Developer(s)
- Bungie
- Publisher(s)
- Bungie
- Genre(s)
- Multiplayer
- Online Multiplayer, Online Co-Op
- Engine
- Tiger Engine
- T For TEEN for Blood, Language, and Violence
- Expansions
- Destiny 2: Forsaken, Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, Destiny 2: Beyond Light, Destiny 2: The Witch Queen, Destiny 2: Lightfall
- How Long To Beat
- 100+
- Metascore
- 85
- Platforms That Support Crossplay
- PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One & Xbox Series X|S
- Number of Players
- 1-6 (Co-Op)
- PS Plus Availability
- Extra & Premium
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